Resilient and Sustainable Caring: Your Guide to Thrive While Helping Others

Each chapter includes strategies, stories, and quotes from helpers around the world.

Chapter 1: Start the Sustainable Caring Journey

Know You Aren’t Alone
See Common Challenges: From Burnout & Compassion Fatigue to Imposter Syndrome
Create a Resilience and Sustainability Plan
Strengthen Your Best, Balanced Self
Decrease Anxiety & Increase Emotional Regulation
Expand Support
Be Your Best Advocate

Chapter 2: Bring Out Your Strength with Core Values and Purpose

Strengthen Yourself with Purpose
Decrease Pressures with Authenticity
Build Purpose Driven Resilience
Develop Balanced Purpose for Self-care
Help Groups Function with Unified Purpose
Bring Your Best Forward

Chapter 3: Promote Your Best, Balanced Self with Healthy Boundaries

Foster Balance and Resilience
Define and Support Your Best, Balanced Self
Connect Healthy Boundaries with Sustainability
Know Your Emotional Responsibility
Establish Healthy Boundaries
Develop Balance and Boundaries in Teams
Increase Hope with Sustainability

Chapter 4: Foster Self-Compassion

Change the World with Compassion
Experience Compassion’s Mutual Gifts
Counter Misconceptions about Self-Compassion
Increase Vitality with Self-Compassion
Recognize Common Humanity and Shake Off Perfectionism
Notice Personal Suffering
Be Kind to Yourself
Offer Self-Forgiveness
Deal with Mistakes
Foster Compassionate Families and Teams
Journey Towards a More Compassionate, Less Anxious World

Chapter 5: Decrease Anxiety

Return to Calm
Strengthen Self to Decrease Pressures
Recognize and Defuse Emotional Triggers
Choose Your Life Perspective
Increase Outer Calm with Inner Peace
Decrease Group Anxiety
Journey with Peace

Chapter 6: Deal with Conflict

Perceive Conflict’s Possibilities
Grow Capacity for Calm and Resolution
Recognize and Replace Unhelpful Conflict Habits
Use Care-Full Strategies
Navigate the Difficult
Handle High Emotional Reactivity with Calm
Manage Power differences
Help Others Deal with Conflict
Allow New Possibilities to Move Forward

Chapter 7: Recover from Loss

Carry Hope
Move Beyond Unhealthy Cultural Norms
Connect Resilience with Pieces of Grief
Promote Healing
Reconnect with Your Self
Help Others Recover from Loss
Celebrate Life Together

Chapter 8: Lighten the Load with Resources

See Success Differently
Know and Use Resources
Overcome Silencers
Define Success to Include Wellbeing
Promote Safe Support
Practice Sharing the Difficult
Untangle Ethical Dilemmas
Know When to Change a Role
Strategy to Discern a Need for Change
Develop a Plan for Change
Be Your Best Resource

Chapter 9: Grow Supportive Community

Hold Out the Light for Each Other
Build Resilience Together
Choose Sustainable Work Context
Process Difficult Events as a Team
Heal with Others
Expand Understanding of Community
Shine Brighter

Chapter 10: Thrive with Growing Strength and Resilience

See the Resilient and Sustainable Journey
Your Guide to Thrive Strategies
Look at the Journey Ahead

Now Available in English and Spanish.